Successfully cure your Vomit Phobia Treatment with The Thrive Programme®

Hello! My name is Cara and I can help you to overcome your vomit phobia in just 6-8 weeks. Sessions are held in my offices in Rickmansworth in London, Aylesbury in Bucks and also via Zoom.

About Vomit Phobia

Emetophobia is a persistent and unwarranted fear of being sick or vomiting and, according to the International Emetophobia Society, it is the fifth most common phobia.

I receive many enquiries from emetophobes - and is probably THE most common phobia that I treat. Sufferers find it often extremely debilitating and disabling. Many of my clients have already sought treatment - to little or no avail. Nearly every emetophobe I have treated believed there is no cure - a myth perpetuated often by emetophobia forums. This is not true! Even many doctors do not understand the phobia and will often prescribe anti-depressants for it.

Emetophobia interferes with educations, careers, marriages, and family relationships. Many phobics take time away from work or school unnecessarily because of the fear of vomiting themselves or being exposed to people who can pass germs that will cause them to vomit. Many phobics suffer panic or anxiety attacks when they imagine the slightest hint that they may vomit. Sadly, some women even deny themselves motherhood for fear of morning sickness and some sufferers become housebound. Emetophobia consumes a great deal of time and energy of the person who suffers from it. There is the constant mental stress of worrying when one will vomit next.

Click here to read genuine testimonials from past Emetophobia clients

Vomit Phobia - 'the secret phobia'

Emetophobia is rarely spoken of partly because of the nature of the subject - sufferers feel that is unpleasant and 'dirty' and victims are acutely embarrassed. Most emetophobes are female who have had symptoms since their youth. They have wasted years avoiding situations where either they or someone around them could become ill. Those with a mild phobia have anxious thoughts while eating. Some suffer so severely they refuse to leave their home. Many phobics suffer terrible panic attacks when they have nausea or imagine that they do.


I just want to say a massive thank you. I am feeling so much better, not just about sick but life in general just feels easier. I never thought I could feel like this again. I am eternally grateful, thank you again x 

Profile of a typical emetophobe

•  Is usually female and below average weight.

•  Eats out in restaurants very rarely and when doing so is very choosy - avoiding chicken, spicy or unusual cuisines. Some will go hungry rather than eat in public places.

•  Does not drink or restricts themselves to a single glass of wine and avoids pubs/clubs where others may drink heavily.

•  Dislikes dinner parties, weddings, social events and crowded rooms which can lead to anxiety / panic attacks.

•  Avoids flying and travelling by boat, especially to foreign countries.

•  Avoids public transport, preferring to travel by car and driving themselves.

vomit phobia london
Louise and Cara

Louise Fellows describes her experience of overcoming her vomit phobia with The Thrive Programme®

vomit phobia london" From as young as 8 years old I developed an ever growing fear of sickness, although I'm not sure what it was that started it. Since then my emetophobia had developed a growing debilitating presence in my everyday life. I developed obsessive cleaning and sanitation habits as I was terrified of getting anything like Norovirus. Through recognizing my career aspirations and ambitions, some significant life changing events (Divorce), battling with Depression in my early 20's for 18 months and now being a proud mum to my seven year old son meant I couldn't go on anymore with this phobia it was really ruining my life.

It was only after I researched "fear of sickness" online that I realised firstly it had a name "emetophobia" and secondly that I wasn't alone and thirdly there was a programme called "THRIVE" that could cure me! WOW! So I found my amazing Thrive consultant, Cara.  Cara worked patiently and encouragingly with me through the programme and was my absolute rock and anchor to help me understand my inner workings and my belief systems which helped me find that cure. The fantastic thing about Cara and the Thrive programme is that she made me understand that it was ME that would find the cure! The Thrive book was my training course and Cara supported every step along the way but it was down to me to put the effort in and work through the exercises and process process process my mind to make this change.

Cara helped me learn so much about myself, people have seen such a significant change in me. As well as Cara helping me cure my phobia, she has given me confidence. I have a renewed gravitas in my personal and professional life. It's a whole new me, and I can't actually believe a book has done this for me. It has changed my life, it was worth every penny. I’m sure like any emetephobe that this review reaches out to, you only need to take 6 weeks of your life after suffering years of misery to cure this debilitating and secret Phobia. Thrive really is a cure. Thank you Cara so much, I hope that many more emetephobes come to you for this cure."


Below is a video of Louise Fellows, 38,  who talks about her experience of emetophobia and how she overcame it with the Thrive Programme.

To view more video testimonials from ex-emetophobes, click here

Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, fears, weight, vaginismus, addictions, stress, Rickmansworth and Aylesbury,Watford, Northwood, Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Ruislip, London Chesham, Amersham, Ruislip Northwood, Tring, Berkhamstead, Chorleywood

You CAN overcome your vomit phobia. Here's how...

I can teach you how to feel in control of your thoughts and feelings - no longer feeling powerless in vomit-related situations or feelings. You'll discover that no matter how long you've had your vomit phobia for, you can overcome it in just a few weeks of the Thrive Programme®

What is The Thrive Programme®?

It is an easy-to-follow yet extremely effective psychological training programme to overcome mental health problems and learn to thrive. You will learn how to significantly improve your thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can feel back in control and symptom-free.

You will develop robust mental health, high, stable self-esteem and self-confidence and be able to make the most of life whilst knowing you can cope when it gets tough.

How does it work?

Over 6 weekly, one-to-one sessions, I will teach how all you need in order to reach your goals. The sessions can be done either in person in my offices or via video conferencing such as Skype or Zoom.

A completely different approach!

The Thrive Programme® is a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting mental well-being. If you have previously tried other interventions or therapies that have not worked for you (as is the case with most of the clients I see), please be reassured that The Thrive Programme is completely different to any other kind of intervention available for mental well-being. The Programme is unique.....and it works.


I just wanted to say how happy and grateful I am to you, Cara. I used to be an emetophobe but since coming to you I have overcome my fear of sick. I never believed that anyone could help me. No one understood - I wasn't just scared - I was petrified. I'm so happy now and can't stop smiling and can't believe I used to be scared of sick. Thank you so much for changing my life and making it a better one. To other sufferers out there, don't live with this fear as I don't anymore.