
Key differences between The Thrive Programme® (TTP) and other interventions
It can be really quite a minefield when deciding which intervention may work best for you and most of my clients had already tried other therapies and treatments to little or no avail. It's understandable then, that you may want to try to understand TTP by comparing it to other interventions available. However, TTP is SO completely different to all other mainstream therapies. Below, I describe how TTP differs to the other mainsteam treatments so that you can make more of an informed choice.
Comparisons with other interventions: A past client's perspective
One of my previous clients has kindly written about her experience of the programme. She came to me after feeling disillusioned with CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) and counselling. This is what she had to say:
The way I found this programme was through searching hypnotism on the internet. After having years of counselling and CBT, and still not really seeing any noticeable changes in myself, I felt like hypnotising myself was the last resort and only option I had left. When I first met with Cara, I explained that the route of all my problems was related to a troubled childhood, which had been the focus of all my previous counselling and therapy sessions, and said I wanted to be hypnotised into fading and making these uncomfortable memories disappear. I soon learned that this isn't the help which was on offer to me.
When I first started Thrive I thought 'here we go again', another course of sessions of talking about things i'd rather forget, and working on things which never seem to change. However having completed the course, i've never been so grateful for the existence of a programme which genuinely is so different and helpful over therapies such as CBT.
A major example of my problems included feeling depressed on a regular basis and using alcohol and destructive behaviours as a way to mask these feelings. I was often told to just stop drinking and to stop engaging in certain behaviours, despite having never really been told how. It constantly made me feel like I was helpless, and began to believe that I should accept that this is me, my personality, and theres no point trying to change my ways.
Thrive is an actively engaging programme which doesn't necessarily directly deal with what you may have gone through, but deals with managing your thinking, and really does change the way you react, think and feel about almost everything in life. It has truly made me realise that life is actually pretty simple, and what happened to me in the past is the past, and by simply re-gaining control of my thoughts and therefore actions, I am the happiest I could have ever imagined. Thrive truly saved me, and nothing I can say can explain the depth and extent to which it did so, but all I know is that those feelings of sadness and helplessness are a genuine distant memory and Ive never felt so in control of all my emotions.
Even if theres someone out there with minor confidence issues, giving up addictions, or weight-loss, theres nothing I would recommend more than this programme. Theres no reason not to do it other than to change your life for the better. It lasts forever, because you don't just leave the programme with a list of techniques and ideas, you leave a changed you.