I can help you overcome your intrusive thoughts (Pure O) and take back control over your thinking.
Help for Pure O in Rickmansworth and Aylesbury Clinics - welcoming enquiries from Ruislip, Watford, Northwood, Hillingdon Uxbridge & Harrow. Sessions are also available via Skype and Zoom.
Over the years, I have helped many people plagued by intrusive thoughts. Most of those had previously tried other therapies, such as CBT, but to no avail. It doesn't matter how long you've suffered intrusive thoughts, or how severe they are, they CAN be completely eliminated!
About Intrusive thoughts
An intrusive thought is an unwelcome and unpleasant thought, image, or idea that can feel difficult to manage or stop and may become an obsession. It is also known as 'Pure O' (for 'Obsession').
The content of these thoughts are often about harming yourself or others, or may be sexual in nature.
Most Pure O sufferers know that their thoughts and behaviour are irrational but feel incapable of stopping them. Avoidance of some situations or people is also common, as you may fear triggering the thoughts. This can have a significant impact on your confidence and self-esteem and as a result, your career, relationships and lifestyle.
Logically, you may know that the content of the intrusive thoughts is ridiculous, but yet you may torment yourself with the notion that there is some meaning behind the thoughts. Or you may tell yourself that you must be a terrible person to have such a thought. The obsessive focusing, over-analysing and desperate attempts to stop the thoughts are the very processes that maintain and escalate them. This results in the sufferer even more powerless and out of control.
I compare fighting away intrusive thoughts to being in quicksand - the more effort you put in to free yourself, the deeper you sink. This results in even more anxiety and further perpetuates the intrusive thoughts cycle.
You CAN take stop intrusive thoughts. Here's how...
If you want reliable, effective help to eliminate intrusive thoughts, I can help you to take back control over your thoughts, instead of feeling that they are controlling you, in just a few empowering and enlightening sessions.
Unlike CBT, what I offer is much more than just a series of techniques to help you try to fire-fight away the thoughts.
You will gain invaluable insight into yourself and true driving forces behind the thoughts, allowing you to think very differently and feel back in control. You'll discover that there is nothing deep-rooted about these thoughts, and that its much simpler than you may have ever believed to take control of your thinking
What is The Thrive Programme?
It is an easy-to-follow yet extremely effective psychological training programme to overcome mental health problems and learn to thrive. You will learn how to significantly improve your thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can feel back in control and symptom-free.
You will develop robust mental health, high, stable self-esteem and self-confidence and be able to make the most of life whilst knowing you can cope when it gets tough.
How does it work?
Over 6 weekly, one-to-one sessions, I will teach how all you need in order to reach your goals. The sessions can be done either in person in my offices or via video conferencing such as Skype or Zoom.
A completely different approach!
The Thrive Programme® is a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting mental well-being. If you have previously tried other interventions or therapies that have not worked for you (as is the case with most of the clients I see), please be reassured that The Thrive Programme is completely different to any other kind of intervention available for mental well-being. The Programme is unique.....and it works.