I can help you to overcome your flying phobia in just 3 sessions with the 'Fly Happy' Programme. Offices based in Rickmansworth and Aylesbury clinics, welcoming enquiries from Ruislip, Eastcote, Harrow, Uxbridge, Pinner, Northwood and Hillingdon, Chesham and Berkhamsted & Chorleywood.
Sessions are also available via Skype and Zoom.
Do you struggle with a fear of flying?
You are not alone! A fear of flying affects about 1 in 5 people. Very often, weeks or even months before the flight, you will have begun to fear that flight. Just the thought of it can lead to heart palpitations, sweaty palms and the mental rehearsal of all the things that could possibly go wrong on the flight!
This fear can be anything from a managable niggle but one that you would rather not have to suffer, through to a full blown terror response that interferes with travel plans and limits your life. A fear of airplanes may prevent you from going on holiday, or visiting friends/relatives abroad or it may restrict you in your career as you may avoid work-related flights.
How the fear of flying can affect you
Just the thought of it can lead to heart palpitations, sweaty palms and the mental rehearsal of all the things that could possibly go wrong on the flight. You become very alert to every little shudder the plane makes, every little noise you hear. And you spend way too much time scanning the expressions on the flight attendants’ faces, checking for signs of impending doom!
The bottom line is that you feel totally out of control, and you are terrified of your emotional reaction in this situation. As far as you’re concerned, you are in this metal container thousands of feet up in the air and your life is in the hands of that man with the nice, crisp accent at the front of the plane. You will probably already know that air travel is the safest form of transport there is. You may even know that your chances of being killed in a plane crash are merely 1 in 11 million and that you have more chance of being killed by a kick from a donkey. However, all this logic is disregarded as the emotions take over and the fear sets in.
Many people experience some feelings of trepidation about flying, but if yours is overwhelming and you would like some help, the good news is that The Fly Happy Programme is an excellent treatment for your phobia of flying
Karina did the Thrive Programme® to cure her fear of flying
Two years on, she sent me a photo of her in Southern Australia from 3500 feet. Well done Karina 🙂
Overcame a flying phobia: "I'm back to my old self!"
You CAN overcome your flying phobia. Here's how...
The Thrive Programme® is a revolutionary and powerful training programme that helps you to truly feel back in control of your thinking and emotions about flying.
The Programme doesn't just teach you how to manage or reduce your fears - it equips you with all the skills and resources you need to feel in control. Rather than teaching you to extinguish emotional fires (which is what most other therapies for flying phobia aim to do), you'll discover how to not set them in the first place!
What is The Fly Happy Programme?
It is an easy-to-follow yet extremely effective psychological training programme to overcome your fear of flying. You will learn how to significantly improve your thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can feel back in control and symptom-free.
How does it work?
Over 3, one-to-one sessions (weekly or bi-weekly), I will teach how all you need in order to reach your goals. The sessions can be done either in person in my offices or via video conferencing such as Skype or Zoom.
A completely different approach!
The Thrive Programme® is a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting mental well-being. If you have previously tried other interventions or therapies that have not worked for you (as is the case with most of the clients I see), please be reassured that The Thrive Programme is completely different to any other kind of intervention available for mental well-being. The Programme is unique.....and it works.