You are not alone with this distressing vomit phobia, despite how you may feel. I can help you overcome your fear of sick in 6-8 weeks with The Thrive Programme®.
Treatment for vomit phobia in Rickmansworth and Aylesbury clinics, welcoming enquiries from Harrow, Northwood, Watford, Uxbridge, Pinner, Chesham and Berkhamsted & Chorleywood.
Sessions are also available via Skype and Zoom.
About Emetophobia
Emetophobia is a persistent fear of being sick or vomiting and, according to the International Emetophobia Society, it is the fifth most common phobia.
I receive many enquiries from emetophobes - and is THE most common phobia that I treat. Sufferers find it often extremely debilitating and disabling. Many of my clients have already sought treatment - to little or no avail. Nearly every emetophobe I have treated believed there is no cure - a myth perpetuated often by emetophobia forums. This is not true! Even many doctors do not understand the phobia and will often prescribe anti-depressants for it.
Emetophobia interferes with educations, careers, marriages, and family relationships. Many phobics take time away from work or school unnecessarily because of the fear of vomiting themselves or being exposed to people who can pass germs that will cause them to vomit.
Many emetophobes suffer panic or anxiety attacks when they imagine the slightest hint that they may vomit. Sadly, some women even deny themselves motherhood for fear of morning sickness and some sufferers become housebound. Emetophobia is rarely spoken of partly because of the nature of the subject - sufferers feel that is unpleasant and 'dirty' and can feel embarrassed or ashamed about having the condition.
The great news is that it doesn't matter how long you have had your phobia of sick for, or how severe your symptoms are, The Thrive Programme for emetophobia can help you to completely overcome the condition.
"I'm feeling so incredibly different"
"Life's great. I can't praise this enough"
From as young as 8 years old I developed a fear of sickness. Since then my emetophobia had developed a growing debilitating presence in my everyday life. It was only after I researched "fear of sickness" online that I realised firstly it had a name "emetophobia" and secondly that I wasn't alone and thirdly there was a programme called "THRIVE" that could cure me! WOW! So I found my amazing Thrive consultant, Cara. It has changed my life, it was worth every penny. I’m sure like any emetephobe that this review reaches out to, you only need to take 6 weeks of your life after suffering years of misery to cure this debilitating and secret Phobia. Thrive really is a cure.
"I feel amazing"
"it completely cured my emetophobia"
"Life gets better and better"
You CAN overcome emetophobia. Here's how...
The Thrive Programme for emetophobia is the most reliable, predictable, proven cure for a phobia of being sick - based on scientific research and over 30 years' experience successfully treating thousands of emetophobes around the world.
It is a revolutionary and powerful training programme that helps you to truly understand yourself, your beliefs and your thinking styles that are causing your fear. That essential insight allows strengthen your beliefs, think very differently, change old patterns of behaviour and feel back in control.
The Programme doesn't just teach you how to manage or reduce your fear of sick - it equips you with the all the skills and resources you need to feel emotionally in control. Rather than teaching you to extinguish emotional fires, you'll learn how not to set them in the first place!
What is The Thrive Programme for Emetophobia?
It is an easy-to-follow yet extremely effective psychological training programme to overcome mental health problems and learn to thrive. You will learn how to significantly improve your thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can feel back in control and symptom-free.
You will develop robust mental health, high, stable self-esteem and self-confidence and be able to make the most of life whilst knowing you can cope when it gets tough.
How does it work?
Over 6 weekly, one-to-one sessions, I will teach how all you need in order to reach your goals. The sessions can be done either in person in my offices or via video conferencing such as Skype or Zoom.
A completely different approach!
The Thrive Programme® is a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting mental well-being. If you have previously tried other interventions or therapies that have not worked for you (as is the case with most of the clients I see), please be reassured that The Thrive Programme is completely different to any other kind of intervention available for mental well-being. The Programme is unique.....and it works.